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Coffee Break Coaching Workbook

Containing five powerful coaching exercises to transform your work relationships and keep you motivated

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Frazzled Leader Calm Logo

I was so overwhelmed with work and couldn’t find any firm ground to start to make things better for me and my team. My job changed during the programme, which has had a big impact, but I have found the sessions incredibly useful in reflecting on the challenges I faced, and also thinking about my future career. I now feel calmer, and I have had some really lovely feedback from team members as I left my old role. I wish I’d done the sessions 12 months earlier, as I think it would have helped enormously

Head of department in the public sector
Frazzled Leader Happy Logo

Joining this course is one of the best things I have ever done. It has allowed me to explore leadership challenges in a safe space with like-minded managers and find ways to overcome these issues together and then take back to the ‘remote’ office a clear vision forward for both myself and my team. Having access to Jen and the wonderful resources and videos throughout the course enables you to have the best of both worlds in terms of theory and the ‘why’, along with the practical skills of ‘doing’ the coaching. For any manager that needs to hit the reset button and get back on track again this course is a must.

Marketing Manager, Healthcare sector
Conversation Logo

Jen’s programme was a great first entry into the world of coaching for me. It really taught me to ensure I carve time out for myself to ensure I can refill my tank and be there for my team. I didn’t think I would pick up as many useful tricks and tips as I did, and I look forward to putting many in action as the year progresses!

Inspiring Leader
Summer 2021 cohort
Frazzled Leader Sun Logo

Committing to the course freed me to think about myself, my approach to work and how I can be a better leader. Working with leaders from across a range of sectors was also inspiring and affirming. Jen’s open questions, friendly face and structured programme resources have in turn challenged, encouraged and resourced me to be a calmer, more confident leader.

inspiring leader
Summer 2021 cohort


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