Helping frazzled managers develop the skills and self-belief to succeed as inspiring leaders

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From Frazzled Boss to Inspiring Leader: The Essential Toolkit

an affordable 4 month programme of support, designed for managers with limited budgets. Exchange overwhelm, exhaustion and self-doubt for calm, creativity and confidence!

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Kiran Gupta
Jen has been life changing, she has helped me see a career rut as an opportunity, and colour in all the possibilities and actions to achieve my greatest ambitions in work and life. I recommend her highly!
Kiran Gupta
INGO Fundraising/Philanthropy Manager
Mia Ali Updated
Jen has supported me in a number of ways and I hope to draw on her empathy, warmth, and superb coaching skills for many years to come. Her one-to-one coaching has – literally – completely transformed my life, supporting me to become more fulfilled – and more *myself* – than I thought possible.
Mia Ali
Managing Director, Aid Works
Bob Hughes Headshot

Working with Jen is always a combination of fun and purpose. I find we achieve a lot, and yet time flies as we’re also enjoying working together, co-creating solutions and turning ideas into action. Jen achieves this through strengths in both her mind set and her skill set – and I admire leaders who have, and know how to apply, both. As  a coach, Jen gives clients the chance to think and also encourages them to act, and flexes her style depending on her client. A pleasure to work with , and someone I’d endorse strongly.

Bob Hughes
CEO, The Forton Group
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Hi, I’m Jen

I help leaders & managers dial up their calm, creativity and confidence. As an ICF accredited coach with over ten years of coaching experience, I offer practical and engaging group workshops and programmes as well as 1-1 leadership coaching

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What my clients say

Read stories from my clients whether they’re new into a big job, using coaching to support them through a really challenging period at work, or they’ve been on one of my workshops, find out the impact coaching could have for you

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Resources & Insights

Find a wealth of resources from a check list to help you prepare to give feedback at work, to my Coffee Break Coaching Workbook for all those tricky corners we navigate as leaders

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