Are you in a role
no longer
makes you happy?

Maybe the idea of
a change has been
brewing for a while?

Career Transition Coaching

The idea of making a change can feel scary. Is it worth the investment? Do I have the energy? Will I be able to earn as much? Is it too late?

So many things to think through and here you are, reading about career coaching, and that tells me you may be ready to embrace a change!

I’ve been coaching professionals through career transition for over a decade and I know that sometimes a course of 3, 6 or more coaching sessions is needed, and wanted. 

And sometimes you are stuck on a particular piece of the jigsaw, or you want help with a tactical issue such as preparing for an interview or big meeting, and in those cases one session may be all it takes to unstick you, help you find your confidence booster or come up with a plan.

I offer two options: all my best career coaching exercises in one product: The Career Compass for you to work through in your own time, or, if your organisation is funding coaching as part of career transition for you, please refer to information about my leadership coaching.

I’m happy to build packages blending any of these elements, so do get in touch and let’s have a chat!





  • Organisational funded coaching as part of a career transition which can be found here
Book a free 30 minute discovery call
Kiran Gupta
I worked with Jen when I was at a real crossroads in my life - when a bump at work made me reassess everything, including the country I was living in. In just 3 sessions I had decided to move, how I was going to do it, and importantly, why. Jen was incredibly empowering. She made me realize that all the things I wanted in life could be reached for and probably attained, and that I had all the resources to do it. I just needed the guts and the determination. The best coaches in my opinion are those that hold the mirror up; those that make sure that you see both what is there, and what is there but that you are not seeing. I'm so grateful for Jen for doing this so elegantly with me.
Kiran Gupta
INGO Fundraising/Philanthropy Manager
Jon Turpin Headshot
I found coaching with you particularly useful for examining the hierarchy of my own priorities for a career. This process meant I considered roles I had previously rejected (on grounds of morality, location or expectations about the type of work I’d be doing). I enjoyed working with you and I felt that you were easy to talk to and totally non-judgemental. I have really enjoyed our time working together and I look forward to catching up in the future to help determine the next step(s) along the journey!
Jon Turpin
Former Teacher, now Management Consultant
Annabel Marks
At a crossroads in my career, Jen helped me to think through my options and reflect on what I really wanted next, giving me achievable goals and the support to enable me to turn a potentially very negative experience into something positive and exciting.
Annabel Marks
Freelance Fundraising Consultant


A 4 week self-study course which includes all the most powerful career coaching exercises I’ve used with clients over the last decade. You’ll explore your passions, skills, strengths, and values.

More Information
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A 40 minute conversation with Suzie Henriques ‘The CV Bee’ where we share our insights on what makes a real impact when going for director-level roles.

Download Conversation
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A free 30 minute career coaching webinar in which I take you through a through-provoking exercise to help you identify what kind of work culture you’ll thrive in.

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