Do you find it hard to put work down and relax? Your brain knows you need to take a break, but all that drive to get stuff done, and all those stress hormones are stopping you…. well….. stop!
If you’re ready to put down some of the stress, and breathe, listen to this 45 minute introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique – tap along with Jen to feel calmer and lighter. Ideal listening for planes, trains and automobiles. You may want a glass of water handy, and a pen or your phone to jot down any words or phrases you want to remember.
This is a recording of a live workshop, but works like a guided tour of EFT – you won’t need to listen to others’ questions and interruptions – you’ll be free to focus on yourself. In the workshop Jen encourages the participants to get in touch to let her know how they are feeling – that goes for you too.
Do get in touch to let Jen know how you’re feeling after your EFT.

Gosh, already mid-afternoon and I haven't yet sent a note of huge and genuine thanks for your gift of an hour's EFT guidance last night. This was my first introduction and I loved the gentle, prepared way you led us through the process. I found it very insightful and therapeutic. It was the first time I’ve ever done that and loved how you took us all with you. You have such a calm, soulful and curious persona, it makes such a difference. I felt lighter and more connected after our session with my own intuition. I’m going to try and do this and sit with this one night every fortnight to connect with my emotions better.

Head of team, Finance sector