The working day is over – and you want to exhale and relax, but you can’t shift the worry. There’s so many plates to keep in the air: the boss wants the board report a week early, Brian has sent you 53 Teams messages today about things he should know the answer to, Lucy needs your help with the tricky dude from accounts, here’s a pile of new starter forms staring at you, and when you log off you find 587 messages on the family WhatsApp.
You can feel the tension of holding it all, in your clenched jaw and in your tight chest. Some days the stress feels like a definite 9 out of 10…
…and then you find yourself snapping as your youngest starts to melt because you’ve chopped up the cucumber into rounds instead of sticks…
You reach for a glass of wine but know it’s probably not the best coping mechanism, because it’s started to affect your ability to sleep. Argh!
If any of this sounds familiar, I have just the thing to take your stress levels from a 9 down to a 5, in less time that it takes to drink that glass of Malbec.
It’s called Emotional Freedom Technique and I use it with leaders who have past or present stress they want to move past: the difficult boss, unrealistic deadline, tricky team member and the rest. EFT allows them to process stress they may have been holding for weeks, months or even years, enabling them to feel lighter; clearer and with a bit more hard drive space freed up in their busy brains!
That’s inside my coaching sessions, but here’s the great news – EFT is also an effective self help tool, so you can do it on your own, at home or in the office loo, to reduce your stress in real time.
Would you like to drop those stress levels from a 9 out of 10 to a 5? In just 5 minutes?
Would you like it to cost less than the glass of Malbec too?
Good, because it’s entirely free. I’m passionate about the role EFT can play in the lives of brilliant but frazzled leaders, and I want teach you how.
How does it work?
By far the best way to understand EFT is to give it a go.
But since you are asking, we tap on a series of specific acupressure points whilst checking in with where we might be holding stress in our body, and we send a message of acceptance to ourselves along the way. Our bodies take the cue to relax and our brains are able to process the stress with a bit of a nudge.
How do I get hold of some of that?
EFT: from 9 to 5 is a mix tape of focused EFT sequences, each only 3-4 minutes long, for you to tap along to, before bed, before the tricky meeting, or in the time it takes to make a cup of tea.
I’ll send you an email every few days with a choice of two short taps. Choose one, or do both. See how you go.
Save those emails somewhere safe, you’ll end up with a library of super short videos to turn to next time someone announces yet another change programme 😉
What are you waiting for? The first two taps will arrive the minute you pop your email address below;
(and once you get the hang of it, you’ll be flying solo, no video required)

Let’s get going – and let me know how you get on?
What clients say about Jen’s EFT workshops:
“Gosh, already mid-afternoon and I haven’t yet sent a note of huge and genuine thanks for your gift of an hour’s EFT guidance last night. This was my first introduction and I loved the gentle, prepared way you led us through the process.”
“I found it very insightful and therapeutic. It was the first time I’ve ever done that and loved how you took us all with you. You have such a calm, soulful and curious persona, it makes such a difference. I felt lighter and more connected after our session with my own intuition. I’m going to try and do this and sit with this one night every fortnight to connect with my emotions better.”
How does EFT work? Sounds random.
It was discovered, not entirely randomly, by a psychologist in the 1970s, who was stuck as he supported a client to overcome a fear of water. He combined psychology with tapping on acupressure points relating to where his client felt the fear in her body, and had some amazing results – her phobia lifted.
EFT has evolved since then, it’s now used in some areas of the NHS in trauma therapy. If you’re interested in studies into it’s effectiveness, there are lots, and my favourite person to follow who shares these is Dr Peta Stapleton – look her up!
I feel a bit silly tapping on my face…
I hear you, there’s an alternative set of points you can use eg when you’re in the middle of a meeting. I’ll share those with you in this mini set of EFT sequences.
How is doing EFT on my own different to doing it with a practitioner like you?
The actual sequencing of EFT is no different, but when working with an experienced practitioner, they will be able to reflect back your specific words and phrases so the tapping is more targeted to exactly how you’re feeling and where you are holding that in your body. I’m an experienced practitioner and know exactly what to do, but even I sometimes struggle to sit down and tap for a longer period on my own, so if there’s something specific, and big and hairy, I want to work through, I’ll work with another practitioner 1-1 in a full length session of 1 hour or 90 minutes. For day to day stress management and navigating the every day hurdles, I tap every day to clear the decks and that’s what I’m introducing you to here.

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